AYA Training 

AYA Training & Consulting

Specializing in PastPerfect museum software


Frequently Asked Questions about our classes

What if I already know how to use PastPerfect? Many of the people who take our classes have used PastPerfect for a while but still don’t feel that they know how to use it effectively. One day of our training gives them a big boost!

What’s the curriculum? Our new TWO-DAY, IN-DEPTH class covers the PastPerfect features and functions you are most likely to need. You may sign up for either or both days.

Day 1: Collections Management

  • Accessioning museum objects

  • Cataloging objects, books, documents, and photographs

  • Adding photos and multimedia objects

  • Using search tools

  • Running collections reports

  • Safeguarding your work with local and off-site backups

Day 2: Contact Management

  • Working with contacts and memberships

  • Processing dues and donation payments

  • Running membership reports

  • Working with lists and labels

  • Doing email and postal mass mailings

  • Running contact and membership reports

Do I need to bring a laptop computer? A laptop is NOT required, but you are welcome to bring a laptop computer so you can follow along with the examples shown in class. We’ll also give you a workbook that show the class examples step by step so you can try them at home, even if you don’t bring a laptop to class.

Will there be time to ask questions? Yes, yes, yes! Our curriculum is very flexible to allow plenty of time for you to ask questions.

What if I need extra help? After the class ends, we stay an extra hour to give individual coaching to anyone who would like to stay for more.

How can I practice what I’ve learned? The workbook you’ll receive in class has all the examples we’ll show you – step by step, with screen shots to show exactly what you should see as you go along. You’ll be able to practice using all of the most important features of PastPerfect when you get back to the office.

Which version of PastPerfect do you teach? Although version 5.0 has been released, few people have had the chance to upgrade so we’re currently teaching version 4.0. (And if you are using 5.0, you’ll find that what you learn in class is easily transferrable.)

What’s the class schedule?


Register and set up your laptop


Class begins




Lunch on your own. Choose a nearby restaurant or bring a lunch to enjoy while networking with classmates


Class resumes




Class ends. OPTIONAL: Stay for individual coaching


Classroom closes

What am I waiting for? Sign up today!

Click here for the signup sheet in Microsoft Word.
Click here for the signup sheet, PDF version. (You will need the free Adobe Reader.®)

get the free Adobe Acrobat reader



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